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I See You Every Day

Poetry by Airic Rosenbalm, inspired by graveyards we have seen in Morocco.

أشاهدكم كل يوم
انتم معي كل يوم
ولكننا لا نعرف بعضنا
لأنّنا لم نشاهد منذ قرون

انتم ينامون في التراب
و امشي في بيتكم
ولكنكم لستم هنا او هناك
لأنّكم في قلوبنا

I see you every day
You all are with me every day
But we do not know each other
Because we have not seen each other in centuries

You sleep in the dirt
And I walk in your homes
But you are not here or there
Because you are in our hearts