This past semester in class we discussed “austerity nostalgia.” After the financial crisis of the 2000’s, the United Kingdom saw a revival of World War II era aesthetics, like popular sayings and food. No matter how unappetizing, old-fashioned packaged foods bring back memories of a simpler time and civilians readily rally around war-era catchphrases without much thought. After our scheduled class activities ended yesterday, I visited the Churchill War Rooms with some other classmates. We saw where Churchill gave speeches. We saw where his cabinet and secretaries lived and worked. We saw strategy-planning rooms with maps covering the walls from floor to ceiling. Perhaps the most interesting and most peculiar features of the site were the items in the gift shop. Of course, the not-so timeless “Keep Calm and Carry On” print was available for purchase. Other less inconspicuous items for sale include a recipe book Ration Book Cookery, replica ration books, and “ration sweets.” I doubt that anyone who currently relies on government assistance for food would be interested in Ration Book Cookery. Furthermore, these same stores sell replicas of ration books, which serve no real purpose in our modern society. Rather, this austerity is marketed as a “cutesy” gift for local and foreign tourists alike.
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